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人気講師 神奈川県相模原市 Michael Cocks


Hardworking, motivated and focused, I strive to excel in every circumstance. I have a positive attitude and am willing and flexible in respect to work. I have excellent time management skills, contribute intelligence, provide different perspectives and work well within a team environment. I am always well organised and possess exceptional oral and written communication skills. I have a strong ability to liaise with a diverse range of people by maintaining a high level of cultural understanding and knowledge. Goals: To maintain my career paths in international business and education Utilize cultural skills in communication and language Enhance legal, technical and business knowledge Contribute to a successful team

更新日 2018/03/02 性別 男性
年齢 43歳 配偶者 あり
現住所 神奈川県 最寄り駅  
国籍 オーストラリア 出生地 Australia
母国語 英語 その他の言語  
日本語能力 初心者 日本在住期間 1年未満
最終学歴 大学卒 学校・学科名 Australian National University
日本での就業年数 3年以上 ビザ種別 日本の配偶者
資格・免許 Completed the Australian National University's Level 6 Japanese Program 
President of the Australia-Japan Society (ACT) 
Exchange Abroad – 1 year exchange Yamaguchi University, (Japan) 
Industry Based Learning (IBL) program - Young Auto Co,.Ltd, (Japan) 
Golden Key International Honour Society member 
Attended Golden Key’s Asia-Pacific Conference in Canberra 
RMIT Student Ambassador 
RMIT Study tour to Japan 
Received Muroran University of Technology (Japan) honorary certificate for Japanese language studies. Awarded the University Mobility in Asia Pacific (UMAP) grant 
Awarded Swinburne University’s ‘Scholarship to Japan’
Workplace Trainer / Word for Windows / Advanced word processing 
Security Clearance – Australian Government (Department of Defence)



